Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Virtual Asistant Information

Welcome Everyone

So you have the desire to work at home. That Location Independent Living Now lifestyle.

Have you considered work as a virtual assistant?

Hold on one ding dang minute!... Do you know what a Virtual Assistant does, or how one becomes such a person, or even what the compensation rates are?

Well "The Anywhere Office" (one of my personal favorite resource sites) has posted a blog post on the subject. Here is a snippet of what they say.

" We got a comment on one of our Podcasts from a visitor named Collette Schultz. Her question about the Virtual Assistant industry is one we get pretty frequently, so I thought I’d include my reply here as a post."

Collette Schultz on October 26th, 2008 11:21 pm

"As a new virtual assistant subcontractor I’m getting into researching the VA industry through podcasts. I listened to this one last week and am bound to hear more. What I find most frustrating is knowing where to start. Do you offer a beginners series to help getting started?

While we have never blogged or done a segment specifically on Virtual Assisting, I do not believe it differs greatly from other types of internet based businesses: that is to say that it relies mostly on abilities and training, networking, and marketing.

There are several places people can obtain training to become a virtual assistant or, as in Collette’s case, improve their existing skill base; some of them offer certification:"

Click here to read the entire post and follow the numerous links to tons of information on the topic.

You just may find that it is just the cup of tea that you have been looking for.

The economy is in a down turn. Well yes, but wouldn't you agree that the real cause is because we are in the midst of monumental change right now.

The old jobs are going away, but the new jobs that are coming with the tide of change are easier, better paying and allow the freedom of location independent living now.

So when opportunity knocks. Answer the gosh darn door!

Go ahead and click, check it out then decide if you are ready to ride the wave of change and make your life easier to boot.

If you like this topic and/or others topics that I research and write about why not join my Net Friends. We are a network of internet friends who I share useful free products and information with that I turn up in my research .

Just enter your first name and email address in the form over on the Right and click the submit buton. I look forward to seing you on my Net Friends List.

Till next post,

Smiles :o)
